Rapid Measurement of Total Organic Carbon in Soil

Soil organic carbon (SOC) can now be measured rapidly and accurately with SciAps handheld LIBS, without the need for spectral soil libraries, chemical pre-treatment, or lab conditions.
Understanding how SOC changes over time and through different practices has been made easier with the SciAps handheld LIBS (laser) analyzer.SciAps Z-903, smaller and lighter than ever, makes use of several advanced features.

Rising interest in soil health and carbon sequestration has led to increased demand for measuring SOC. In a recent study, SciAps worked with the Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency Program (ALP) to incorporate a comprehensive, diverse group of soils from the U.S. and Canada into one standard calibration to provide a fast and accurate measurement of SOC.

The calibration is based on many different soil types and properties. These soils also span a range of usage sites including: pasture, fallow, forest, corn, grains, potatoes, soybeans, fruits, rice, and cotton.


We’ve revolutionized data downloading and management with our connectivity built on Android. Instantly and automatically send every test to a computer anywhere in the world. Manage data in real time, get results in real time, verify testing quality – all in real time. No more time-wasting manual exporting.

Real-Time Syncing

Every test result is stored on the analyzer and sent via Wi-Fi to one or more online PCs located anywhere in the world.

Custom Auto Report Generation

Who has time to download data, cut and paste into spreadsheets and documents? Instead create a report template one time, with your company logo, layout, etc. Then download data directly, print (even via Wi-Fi), and done.

Cloud-Based Data

Test results can be automatically uploaded to a secure cloud site, to be viewed, edited and downloaded from browser software anywhere in the world.

Share Test Results with Your Phone for Instant Emailing

SciAps apps share test results to mobile phone via Bluetooth automatically. Users can view current or previous test results, easily paging through them. Results can be emailed as PDF files direct from phone.

Share Data with Wireless or Bluetooth Printers for Instant or Automated Printing

Automatically send test results to Wi-Fi printers, or to belt-mounted Bluetooth printer.

Data Merging

You use LIBS for some materials. You use X-ray for others. How about automatically merging the data from both analyzers into a single report? Even a competitor’s XRF!