Single Channel Potentiostat- Galvanostat

Electrochemical workstation (potentiostat / galvanostat) contains a fast digital function generator, high-speed data acquisition circuitry, a potentiostat and a galvanostat. With high performance in stability and accuracy with advanced hardware and well-functioned software, it is a comprehensive research platform for corrosion, batteries, electrochemical analysis, sensor, life science and environmental chemistry etc.


Reaction mechanism of Electrosynthesis, electrodeposition, anodic oxidation, etc;
Electrochemical analysis and sensor;
New energy materials (Li-ion battery, solar cell, fuel cell, supercapacitors), advanced functional materials, photoelectronic materials;
Corrosion study of metals in water, concrete and soil, etc;
Fast evaluation of corrosion inhibitor, water stabilizer, coating and cathodic protection efficiency.


There is the corresponding stripping method.

Stable polarization: Open Circuit Potential (OCP), Potentiostatic (I-T measurement), Galvanostatic, Potentiodynamic (Tafel plot), Galvanodynamic

Transient polarization: Multi-Potential Steps, Multi-Current Steps, Potential Stair-Step (VSTEP), Galvanic Stair-Step (ISTEP)

Chrono Methods: Chronopotentiometry (CP), Chronoamperometry (CA), Chronocoulometry (CC)

Voltammetry: Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV), Staircase Voltammetry (SCV) #, Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) #, Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV) #, Square wave voltammetry (SWV) #, ACvoltammetry (ACV) #, Differential Normal Pulse Voltammetry (DNPV) #, 2nd Harmonic A. C. Voltammetry (SHACV), Fourier Transform AC Voltammetry(FTACV)

Amprometric: Differential Pulse Amperometry(DPA), Double Differential Pulse Amperometry(DDPA),Triple Pulse Amperometry (TPA), Integrated Pulse Amperometric Detection (IPAD)

Impedance: EIS vs Frequency (IMP), EIS vs Time (IMPT), EIS vs Potential (IMPE)

Corrosion testing: LPR, CPP, Electrochemical Noise (EN), Zero Resistance Ammeter (ZRA), Electrochemical Potentiokinetic Reactivation(EPR)

Battery testing: Battery charge and discharge, Galvanostatic charge and discharge