See What Others Can’t

Analyze any mineral, any element, any place on the planet.

Get the entire picture for research, exploration, grade control, block modeling, process optimization, and more. Support for electric vehicles and strategic metals includes the world’s only 55 kV analyzer optimized for REEs and the world’s only handheld that analyzes lithium in soils, ores, and brines. Discover unique LIBS and XRF features for gold pathfinders, and other applications for our breakthrough LIBS (laser) analyzer as a powerful tool for 21st century geoscience.


In-field analysis of Li, Be, B, C, Na, F. Lithium in hard rocks and brines. High sensitivity to other major elements Mg, Si, Al, Ca, K. Map elemental distribution using GeoChem Pro.

‍Z-903: Flagship geochemistry for those who require full elemental coverage, from H to U. Spectrometers spanning 190 – 950 nm measure low atomic number elements that X-ray can’t, including beryllium, boron, carbon, fluorine and sodium, plus the many transition and heavy metals that X-ray also measures.

‍Z-901 Li: The world’s only handheld analyzer capable of measuring lithium in rocks, ores, and powders for instant, in-field analysis.


Smallest, fastest, most precise handheld available, with the most powerful X-ray tube. Perfect for gold pathfinders, transition, and heavy metals. World’s only pXRF optimized for rare earth elements.

‍X-555: The most advanced X-ray tube technology available, led by a 55 kV X-ray tube – the world’s only handheld XRF with this capability. The 55 kV operation, rather than the industry typical 50 kV, delivers higher performance for critical “light” and some “heavy” REEs, making it a superior option for REE analysis.

‍X-505: Best-in-class light element performance for ultra low detection limits of elements like Si, P, S, Mg and Al. Optional 50 kV Mining calibration for even better LODs on these heavier rare earth elements or gold pathfinders like Ag or Sb. A 5.5W X-ray tube combined with the latest large area silicon drift detector technology and super tight X-ray geometry yields fast, precise results even on the hardest elements to measure with handheld XRF.

Make better decisions faster: Create derivative calibrations in minutes with Profile Builder software for PC or tablet, pair XRF with GERDA automated tabletop sampler, automatically merge XRF and LIBS tests with SciAps Cloud Services, and easily manage operations from anywhere.

Built on the Android operating system, SciAps instruments operate with the ease of a smart phone using app-based software that assures quality testing by every operator. Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, with GPS capability, allow users to print, email, and connect to virtually any information management system for real-time results and full-featured reporting.

Meet the world’s only handheld that analyzes lithium in soils, ores, and brines

Z-901 Li: The world’s only handheld analyzer capable of measuring lithium in rocks, ores, and powders for instant, in-field analysis.

Z-903: Flagship geochemistry for those who require full elemental coverage, from H to U. Spectrometers spanning 190 – 950 nm measure low atomic number elements that X-ray can’t, including beryllium, boron, carbon, fluorine and sodium, plus the many transition and heavy metals that X-ray also measures.

In-field micro-analysis of rocks,
veins, inclusions — another
benefit of SciAps handheld LIBS

The Geochem Pro App now delivers groundbreaking
microanalysis of rocks in the field.

The corresponding LIBS element distribution map for Fe shows excellent correlation with the XFM map and using third party software such as Reflex ioGAS, contouring, RGB mapping and advanced analysis of data can be quickly and easily performed in the field.

An X-ray fluorescence map (XFM) for Fe. SciAps handheld LIBS now allows targeted microanalysis of geological samples in the field.

*Australian Synchrotron’s x-ray fluorescence microprobe (XFM) data courtesy of Shaun Barker (University of Waikato) and Jeremy Vaughan (Barrick).

A whole new world of analysis

Discover sophisticated tools with the power to create advanced analytical methods.

The Geochem App

Traditional bulk sample analysis

We offers quantitative testing on a more comprehensive element suite than XRF. Analyze samples using factory calibrations or build your own user-defined calibrations using SciAps Profile Builder software for PC or tablet. SciAps Geochem App allows easy collection of metadata, conversion of element to oxide, user selectable units of measurement between ppm and percent.

The Geochem Pro App

Ground-breaking in-field micro-analysis for geological materials

Map elemental distribution within minerals, veins and inclusions. Create and export element maps, spectral data at individual locations and import data into third-party software (ioGAS) for advanced analysis of data.

Handheld LIBS

Breakthrough technology

The acceptance of handheld LIBS for in-field geochemistry is accelerating, as noted in new independent studies, and the SciAps Z features the most advanced LIBS technology of any handheld. Integrated argon gas purge (optional) yields better limits of detection for many elements compared to air-based analysis. Internal 3D stage raster the laser allowing for surgical analysis of inclusions or veins if desired, all easily viewed through the integrated camera and laser targeting.

SciAps LIBS measures low atomic number elements that X-ray can’t, including Li, Be, B, C, F, Na, plus the many transition and heavy metals that X-ray also measures. LIBS is an optical technique and is therefore very sensitive to the low atomic number elements. No X-rays means no travel restrictions or licensing headaches.

The Z analyzes elements FPXRF can’t

And offers greatly improved analysis of several major elements

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Z-903 uses the same powerful as SciAps other Z-900 models, but with an extended spectrometer range from 190 nm out to 950 nm to deliver full periodic table coverage. Includes low atomic number elements that X-ray can’t, such as beryllium, boron, carbon, fluorine, and sodium.

Z-901 Li is purpose-built for measuring Li in rocks and brines.

Handheld XRF

A new performance standard

Weighing less than three pounds with battery in an aerospace-grade aluminum body is re-engineered to be more intuitive and capable than ever. Collect and interpret better quality data faster, process more samples, and make critical decisions with confidence.

Especially designed for core analysis or any application requiring high-volume manual testing; compatible with third-party data visualization packages including IoGAS, Leapfrog; and Android-based for global connectivity with on-board camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth

Low-atomic number elements Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca
Transition/pathfinder elements Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Rb, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba
Heavy metals Ta, W, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, U

X-550: Premium performance begins with the 5.5W X-ray tube, delivering best-in-class light element performance for ultra low detection limits of elements like Si, P, S, Mg and Al. Need optimal performance on rare earth elements or gold pathfinders like Ag or Sb? The X-550 has an optional 50 kV Mining calibration for even better LODs on these heavier elements. This X-ray tube combined with the latest large area silicon drift detector technology and super tight X-ray geometry yields fast, precise results even on the hardest elements to measure with handheld XRF. Download the specifications.

X-555: The latest version of SciAps flagship X-500 series delivers the most advanced X-ray tube technology available, led by a 55 kV X-ray tube – the world’s only handheld XRF with this capability. The 55 kV operation, rather than the industry typical 50 kV, delivers higher performance for critical “light” and some “heavy” REEs, making it a superior option for REE analysis.

Get Both With ONEBOX

Both the Z and X handheld analyzers run on the same software platform, operating system, have the same user interface, same battery, and same charger making training and operation a breeze. Get them both when you purchase the ONEBOX package.