The result: A huge variety of aluminum alloys can now be precisely sorted by X-ray, because the X-550 measures Mg as low as 0.25% and Si to 0.10% in 2 seconds. This includes the most difficult groups of aluminum alloys noted above such as 3003/3004/3005, 2014/2024, 356 and 357 or 6022 and 5005. These alloys differ by small amounts of Mg or Si and until now could not be reliably sorted by X-ray gun technology.
And you still maintain the performance advantage of X-ray on other alloying metals like Cr, Cu, Zr, Zn, Mn — the strength of X-ray. For example Mn precision is essential to sort within the 3000 series like 3105, 3005 and other similar alloys. The same holds for small differences Cu, Cr and Zr that often differentiates 6000 and 7000 grades. The X-550 delivers high performance on both Mg and Si, as well as transition and heavy metals, so you can permanently end downgrades and mixups.
Got 1100 and 6063 mix-ups?
One of the most common mix-ups we see from recyclers using older X-ray technology are 1100 and 6063. 1100 has 0.05-0.2% Cu, and no Mg. Alloy 6063 has 0-0.1% Cu and 0.45-0.9% Mg. Measuring the Mg in 6063 requires 30 – 60 sec. in most other X-ray guns. Other X-ray guns take an ill-advised shortcut. They are programmed to identify the alloy as 1100 if any copper is detected. However, with so many aluminum alloys being made from recycled scrap rather than virgin ore, the copper content in 6063 has slowly crept up to the 0.1% level. Thus most X-ray guns measure the Cu and call the aluminum alloy 1100 in a few seconds. No user wants to take the 30 seconds or more that’s required by other X-ray guns to see if the Mg is present, thus making the material a 6063 not an 1100. This is one of the most common mix-ups we see day to day. The X-550 measures the Mg in 6063 in 1 second, eliminating this common mix-up forever!
Our X-ray tube technology runs at 3x the intensity of the tubes in other X-ray units when measuring aluminum or magnesium alloys. We’ve also optimized the tube/detector geometry especially for these alloys. As a result, SciAps X-550 now measures Mg and Si up to 10 times faster than any other X-ray gun, with better precision.
The X-550 was also optimized for low residual applications, initially based on stricter limits imposed the oil/gas industry for Cr, Ni, Cu, Nb, V, Sn and other elements in steels. The X-550 will measure very low levels of contaminant residual metals in steels, stainless, copper and nickel alloys. Some examples currently in field operation include, but are not limited to: low Cr, Ni, Cu, V, Nb, S, P in steels; low Sn, Pb in stainless; and low Pb and Bi in nickel alloys.
X-550 delivers industry-best limits of detection
Below are several specific examples to illustrate the performance difference between the premium X-550 and workhorse X-505 models. The essential point: if you can tolerate the longer testing times for Mg, Al, Si, P and S, then the X-505 is a perfectly good choice. The only performance difference between the X-550 and the X-505 is the analysis time for the 5 elements Mg, Al, Si, P and S.
X-550 and X-505 Comparison Metric
Test | Time for X-550 | Time for X-505 | Why It’s Important |
0.5% Mg in aluminum alloys | 1-2 sec. | 3-4 sec. | Rapidly, accurately sort 6063, 1100 and others. |
0.3% Mg in aluminum | 2 sec | 6 sec | ID 356, 3005 and other specialty-grade low Mg aluminums |
200 ppm P in steel | 10% precision in 7 sec. | 10% precision in 15 sec. | Upgrade ferrous that’s low P and S. |
200 ppm S in steel | 10% precision in 5 sec. | 10% precision in 10 sec. | Segregate re-sulfurized steels. |
0.1 % Si in steel | 10% precision in 3 sec. | 10% precision in 6 sec. | Mainly a PMI application, assuring Si < 1% to avoid sulfidic corrosion. |
All other elements titanium and heavier | Same test time for X-550 and X-505 | Same test time for X-550 and X-505 | For many alloys, the X-505 delivers same lightning speed. |
X-200 The low priced version of the X-505. Like the X-250 it’s fast on all alloys, but requires a few more seconds than the X-250 on complex aluminum alloys. For example, it requires 3-4 seconds to measure 0.5% Mg in a 6063, compared to 1-2 sec. for the X-250.
X-50 Our most economical model, the perfect choice for basic sorting of stainless, high temps and red metals. It does not measure Mg, Al, Si, P or S. For aluminums, sort by 2000, 3003-type, 7050, 7075, 7000-type and MLCs.
The team at SciAps has more than 50 years of experience collectively sorting alloys and designing analyzers to sort alloys. So we threw away the uninspired conventional approach of the other X-ray brands. Instead, we asked, what’s the best way to measure aluminum alloys?
If you examine the vast array of aluminum alloys, you realize that if you measure about 10 elements quickly, then you can reliably sort 95% or more of them accurately. These elements include Mg, Si, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn. A small number of aluminum alloys also require Zr, Pb, Bi, Sn or Ag. The “conventional” approach to aluminum alloys with X-ray is a “2-beam” test. After a few seconds in the first beam, the old school approach switched to a low voltage, higher current “beam 2” to measure Mg, Al and Si. The problem with this approach is that the X-ray gun isn’t optimized to quickly measure the 10 most important elements for aluminums first. Instead, a “one size fits all” approach for non-ferrous is employed, which required long test times (20 sec or more) to sort common aluminum alloys.
The SciAps Aluminum App – patent pending – takes a fresh approach. Instead, we start the test with an optimized X-ray tube setting of low voltage, high current. This setting optimizes performance for the “top 10 elements” Mg, Si, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn that allow practically every aluminum alloy to analyzed in 1-2 seconds.
We then added some “smarts” to the Aluminum App. The on-board library and software determine if a particular material might require an additional beam to also measure Zr, Pb, Bi, Sn and/or Ag. For an example, a 6000 series alloy that meets the specs of a 6061 but also contains Pb. The library logic recognizes this potential mix-up and requires the analyzer to automatically make the 2nd beam test. For a small percentage of materials, the testing time is 3-4 seconds rather than 1-2 seconds.
The Z-901 may also be upgraded to our unique “dual-burn” technology that allows users to analyze materials in either air-burn or argon purge. In some cases, users can achieve greater precision or better detection limits with argon purge. For example, contaminant B in aluminum, or higher precision on refractory elements like Ni, Mo, Co, Nb, W, Ta in high-temp alloys and stainless. For argon purge, operators pop in an argon cartridge and choose the “Alloy Argon Purge” App from the home screen. The argon-purge calibrations are on-board as a separate app, making it easy for operators to switch between testing methods.
Weighing less than three pounds with battery in an aerospace-grade aluminum body is re-engineered to be more intuitive and capable than ever. Collect and interpret better quality data faster, process more samples, and make critical decisions with confidence.
Especially designed for core analysis or any application requiring high-volume manual testing; compatible with third-party data visualization packages including IoGAS, Leapfrog; and Android-based for global connectivity with on-board camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth
Low-atomic number elements Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca
Transition/pathfinder elements Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Rb, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba
Heavy metals Ta, W, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, U
X-550: Premium performance begins with the 5.5W X-ray tube, delivering best-in-class light element performance for ultra low detection limits of elements like Si, P, S, Mg and Al. Need optimal performance on rare earth elements or gold pathfinders like Ag or Sb? The X-550 has an optional 50 kV Mining calibration for even better LODs on these heavier elements. This X-ray tube combined with the latest large area silicon drift detector technology and super tight X-ray geometry yields fast, precise results even on the hardest elements to measure with handheld XRF. Download the specifications.
X-555: The latest version of SciAps flagship X-500 series delivers the most advanced X-ray tube technology available, led by a 55 kV X-ray tube – the world’s only handheld XRF with this capability. The 55 kV operation, rather than the industry typical 50 kV, delivers higher performance for critical “light” and some “heavy” REEs, making it a superior option for REE analysis.
Both the Z-902 and Z-50 will sort all your alloys. The Z-902 will sort more alloys, more precisely, because the argon purge provides 10x better precision than air-burn.
Some alloys that differ by small amounts of Mg, which is hard to measure with X-ray. For example, sorting 3003, 3004 and 3005 quickly, or 356 and 357. These are a few of many examples.
Handheld X-ray cannot measure Li, Be, B, C, or Na (sodium) at all.
Good news! The Z has no detectors or tubes to break. Poke away at the aperture, you can’t damage the quartz blast shield. In fact, except for the laser diode array, the most expensive components to repair on the Z range from $100-$500. The diode array costs $1,200 but they’re virtually impossible to break.
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